Shaman's Morning Glory, Ololiuqui (Ipomoea corymbosa)

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Ololiuqui, often referred to as Shaman's Morning Glory, Christmas Vine or Snake Plant, is a perennial, woody vine that can reach up to 30 feet in length. Native to Mexico, reaching down to South America and the islands of the Caribbean, the species belongs to the Convolvulaceae family and has naturalizes in some parts of the southern United States.

Ololiuqui exhibits heart-shaped leaves and fragrant, white, tubular flowers that blossom from late spring to early fall. The flowers produce copious nectar that appeal to pollinators and provide a source of aromatic honey. Its seeds and pollen contain the psychoactive alkaloid ergine, which has been used for hundreds of years by indigenous people in Mexico, Central, and South America for medicinal, divinatory, and religious purposes. CAUTION: Both the seeds and honey are not recommended for consumption due to the psychoactive alkaloid, ergine.

Ololiuqui grows in full sun to partial light shade in most well-draining soils. Its beautiful, morning glory flowers make it a handsome ornamental that can be grown in the garden or in containers and that can be overwintered indoors. It is hardy in USDA zones 9 to 11.

(syn. Turbinia corymbosa, Rivea corymbosa)

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